

What is Lent?

Followers of Jesus have practiced the season of Lent for centuries. Lent is meant to prepare our hearts to remember and reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Historically, Lent is the 40 days before Jesus’ death on the cross. The 40 days are inspired by the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness. During this season, followers of Jesus will often fast from food or other activities as a means by which they might increase their hunger for God in anticipation of the beauty of the cross and the miracle of the resurrection. 

How are we Participating in Lent?

We would love to see you participate in one of the activities listed below to enable you to experiencete more deeply in the Lent season. While you likely cannot do everything we have included here, we encourage you to do something to grow and focus your attention on the cross during Lent. We encourage you to stick with it during Lent, even if your participation wavers at times.

Light commitment

40 Day Devotional

Journeying With Jesus is a Bible reading plan found on Bible.com (and the YouVersion Bible app) to help us walk with Jesus through the last two chapters of Matthew. During this 40-day devotional, we stop to focus on Jesus' last days on this earth and what that means to us. 

Each devotion includes Scripture, a “bring it home” section with reflection questions that make us consider where we are on the journey of knowing Jesus, as well as a prayer to end your time.

*Plan can be done individually or with friends.

Medium commitment

Prayer & Fasting

Historically, the church has chosen to lean into more fasting and prayer during the season of lent. 

Join us to pray on Friday mornings @7am at our Julian st location. 

On Fridays, consider joining us in fasting from food. Many of us will commit to a weekly Friday Fast in the season of lent. 

Strong commitment

Prayer Room

The two days leading up to Easter we are excited to open up a 24-7 Prayer Room. From Good Friday to Easter Sunday, we will pray continuously, through the day and through the night, as we make our requests to God. 

Register below for an hour and enjoy the prayer room to yourself or invite your community and pray together.

We are so excited to be opening our Prayer Room, a special space in our building we hope to make sacred which consists of a series of suggested prompts designed to lead you through a shared journey of prayer with the rest of our church family. Come pray alone, bring a friend, or bring your whole community. We long to become a people of prayer and see God change our city.